Welcome to Farm Minder services House Sit Town and Country, your Capable, trustworthy, reliable, experienced house sitter/pet care and animal minder. Services that No matter where you may live we offer to you the farm owner,lifestyle lock owner urban house owner
Your home, pets, animals, and property will be well cared for
And kept safe while you are away on holiday and will be as you left them on your return home.
My wife and I have been house sitting all over the country since April 2008. We have house sat many homes, in town and in the countryside and have cared for cats, dogs, rabbits, chooks, horses, cows, and deer to name just a few and all the homeowners have been very happy with our services on their return home and are happy to provide a recommendation, Visit our website www.farmminderservices.nz or www.farmminderservicestowncountryhousesitnetwork.com to find out a little more about us or feel free to contact me by email if you have any questions or would like any additional information. Our email is farmminderservices@gmail.com or housesittownandcountry@outlook.com
57 Bibby street Waipawa
Hawkes Bay
New Zealand