Canterbury Schools & Childcare

  • Located in Christchurch, Annabel’s Educare Avonhead provides warm and welcoming childcare services to preschool children. Through our unique play-based learning program, our qualified and experienced preschool staff take pride in building a nurturing, creative, and educational environment where your child can thrive!
    66 Avonhead Road Avonhead Christchurch South Island 8042 New Zealand
  • Situated in Canterbury, Annabel’s Educare Darfield provides caring and supportive childcare services for preschool children. Our unique Darfield setting has three separate buildings catering for the different age groups (under 3’s, 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds).
    16 South Terrace Darfield Darfield South Island 7510 New Zealand
  • Situated in Christchurch, Annabel’s Educare New Brighton offers friendly and inviting childcare services for preschoolers
    6 Pratt Street New Brighton Christchurch South Island 8083 New Zealand
  • Based in North Canterbury, Annabel’s Educare Rangiora offers friendly and supportive childcare services for preschool children.
    26 Sandown Boulevard Arlington Rangiora South Island 7400 New Zealand
  • Situated in Christchurch, Annabel’s Educare Somerfield offers a friendly and inviting childcare experience for preschoolers and their whanau.
    41 Somerfield Street Somerfield Christchurch South Island 8024 New Zealand
  • Situated in Canterbury, Annabel’s Educare West Melton provides preschool care for children aged 0-6. Our large indoor and outdoor spaces are thoughtfully designed to enhance each child’s individual learning journey.
    8 Kingsdowne Drive West Melton West Melton South Island 7618 New Zealand

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