
rehabilitation for the oral and facial muscles and function needed for speech, teeth shape, sleeping, breathing and eating which can be done in clinic or via teletherapy

If you have been told you have tongue thrust issues which means your orthodontics is not working, or sleep problems, or mouth breath because you cannot breath through the nose, or have problems moving the face and mouth muscles because of illness or injury, or grinding clench your teeth during the day and/or night, or suck your thumb, or speech issues that the therapist cannot change then orofacial myofunctional therapy is for you. It works on slowly and non invasively building up correct muscle strength and function over a period of weeks in order that change can happen. Think of the occupational health therapist input to the orthopaedic surgeon work. 

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Lorna Byrne
New Zealand
Monday 10-6pm Tuesday 10-6pm Wednesday 10-6pm Thursday 10-6pm Friday 10-6pm

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