EATRIGHT® more benefits in every bite FOODARMACY™ products. We carefully select and produce, less processed and iconic, non GMO, plantful, mainly organic food products and related products.
In our online shop, you can order products like healthy cookies, dried fruit and fungi, cereal, cakes, crackers and more. Besides our retail products, we also craft bespoke products for wholesale/bulk order quantities.
The EATRIGHT® products are, most often, New Zealand grown (‘more sun, less pollution, less pests and diseases’) and all are made in New Zealand. NOT over-processed or mass produced with product-ingredient ● phytochem IDs ● enzyme ECs ● polyphenol RFs ● bio-activities ● EFSA IDs ● NZFSA SD9 ● PRAL mEq ● PEAL ● and other added-value elevated virtue information.
All products, including e-vouchers and gift packs, are available via our fret free shop with no lock-in or account needed, secure payment with international currencies and freight free (>$49) options. 1 or 2 day delivery (in NZ), no minimums and other responsive functionalities.